Managing Stress
Xinglin Hospital
My Story with doctor Jiang Feng
I met him in China.
His full name is Jiang Feng and he has been healing people all his life using the methods of traditional Chinese medicine.
The Pain
At that time I was suffering of an acute knee and low back pain. Everything started when I was 28 years old. I love mountains and was used to go for long walks lasting for many hours. Then at a point in time I noticed that after 3-4 hours intensive mountain walk my right knee was starting to hurt.
It was an acute and sudden pain at the outer side of the knee when the leg was half bended resulting in inability to climb or go down anymore. Usually the pain would last for the day and overnight it was disappearing until the next day walk. I was tolerating this situation until one day the pain did not disappear overnight and became my constant companion.
Traditional Western Medicine
I went to traditional western medicine doctors who, after doing their standard well learned checks in the medical school, were laughing at me saying that their knees also hurt after 4 hours walk in the mountain. I went to an alternative medicine doctor who was a recognized acupuncturist and massagist in my country and he said I had a low back issue combined with impurities which were causing inflammations at the knee. Later I would realize this was quite true diagnosis but after his treatment I could not restore my low back for years. Every time I wanted to move my right leg outwards a cutting pain was going from my low back down to the toes. Every single day, each movement! No exception!
At this stage western doctors suggested I had radiculitis. So far so good but when they proposed to inject some dubious substance straight into my spine with no guarantees on the outcome I thought that this was a little bit too much.
My Choice
So I had no choice. I could either give up and live with the pains or do a step further and go to the place where alternative medicine has been created and its methods applied for thousands of years.
While this was happening to me I had made a friendship with Richard, a Romanian business man who I had met by chance at a seminar in 2012. A man at his mid forties, very punctual and concise in his speeches he was always available for advice and willing to help. Little by little he had managed to gain my trust and respect.
One normal day full of pains as usual I received this mail from him where he was inviting me to join a group of Romanian people going to China for medical checks and treatment. He was mentioning that the group was about to visit a reputable Shaolin Yi Jin Jing medical school. At that time this meant literally nothing to me but a week later I was already applying for Chinese visa completely ignorant that this trip was about to change my life.
I truly recommend
This is pretty much the chain of events that brought me to Xinglin hospital. At this moment I write these words knowing that if I stood up for a glass of water or bend to tie my shoes I would not feel any pain. Yes, I definitely found solution for my health issue in China and following the advices of doctor Jiang I managed to restore completely.
It is not an easy way to go but it is worth the efforts. I highly recommend to anybody having stressful daily round and health issues of any kind to visit Xinglin hospital and check himself.
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