Sress Quiz

You have just stumbled upon the stress quiz designed to measure the level of stress you are experiencing at the moment of doing it free of any charges.

The stress quotes assigned to each question are from 1 to 10 giving a different weight for each answer in terms of level of stress experienced by you. Please write down the quotes for your answers and add them up to get your overall result.

If a question is not applicable to you please add 0 points to your overall result. The final step of the quiz is to trace your overall result to one of the three categories at the bottom of the page and find out a comment on your stress levels.

Please bear in mind that the stress quiz results are an approximation and they can not replace a medical advice or diagnosis.


The most important condition while doing the test is to give sincere answers. Otherwise the stress test results will not help you. Remember: You do it for yourself!

  1. If a guy drives slowly standing in your way your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will press the horn swearing at him (10)
    • You will press the horn not saying anything (9)
    • You will press him by driving just behind him and will give him a lights signal (6)
    • You will give him a lights signal (2)
    • You will patiently follow him and pass him where possible (1)
  2. If a colleague of yours repeats a mistake you have already discussed how to avoid your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will immediately flare up asking him how he can be so stupid doing twice one and the same mistake. (10)
    • You will get some privacy with him and will shout at him emphasizing the simplicity and straightforwardness of the task he had to do. (9)
    • You will get some privacy with him and unwillingly will explain the topic for a third time. (6)
    • You will sit next to him and will kindly explain to him again the topic (2)
    • You will initiate a discussion to understand where the problem was and will try to help the guy explaining him again and reassuring him to feel free to ask whatever questions he has.(1)
  3. If two weeks after a project’s objectives have been set your boss comes and completely changes his priorities your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will immediately flare up asking him how he can dare behaving like this (10)
    • You will go to his office and will shout at him that meeting the initial deadlines will not be possible because of him (9)
    • You will go to his office and will ask him for postponement of the initial deadlines (6)
    • You will kindly ask him to write down the new objectives and to set new deadlines for their fulfillment. (2)
    • You will invite him to sit next to you, take a sheet of paper and will start discussing with him the new objectives and deadlines to be met. (1)
  4. If your boss reschedules a meeting with you for a third time your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will immediately flare up asking him how he can dare behaving like this (10)
    • You will go to his office and will shout at him that he has ruined your day and you were not able to do your job because of him (9)
    • You will go to his office and will ask him to change the time set by him although you are able to attend the meeting at the time set by him. (6)
    • You will indifferently accept to meet with him at the time set by him. (2)
    • You will kindly accept to meet with him reassuring him that things could not happen better because you had so many other things to do (1)
  5. If you are stuck for more than an hour in a crowded bus in the middle of a jammed highway and a quarrel is initiated between two guys staying just next to you, your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will immediately get involved urging the guys to shut up because nobody in the bus is obliged to listen to their problems (10)
    • You will give them a chance to solve the problem for 5 minutes and will get involved (9)
    • You will think how stupid people can be shouting and yelling at each other in a bus. (6)
    • You will find them funny shouting and yelling at each other in a bus(2)
    • You will ignore them remaining completely indifferent to what is happening just next to you (1)
  6. You have just parked your brand new BMW and a guy cycling behind you scratches the right back stop by accident. Your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will flare up immediately, get out of the car leaving the engine working and hunt the guy shouting and swearing at him. (10)
    • You will get out of the car leaving the engine working and will urge the guy to cover the cost of damage.(9)
    • You will stop the engine, get out of the car and start a serious discussion with the guy about covering the cost of damage.(6)
    • You will stop the engine, get out of the car and tell the guy to be more careful from now on. (2)
    • You will stop the engine, secure the car, get out and will friendly chat with the guy to be more careful from now on. (1)
  7. It is 6 p.m. Your boss has just informed you that he wants to review your work immediately because the next day he goes on a business trip for two days and in three days, when originally you had agreed to do the review, he will be on holiday. Your most natural reaction will be:
    • You will flare up immediately emphasizing that you have your own plans and it is because of his bad planning that things always go wrong (10)
    • You will firmly deny doing it because you want your free time for your own and he is not right to do such a request at 6 p.m. (9)
    • You will agree with your boss but will accuse him for being so selfish and poorly organized (8)
    • You will allow your boss not more than 15 minutes to update him on the main topics and will ask him to do a better planning from now on. (2)
    • You will allow your boss not more than 5 minutes to update him on the main topics and will immediately disappear afterwards realizing the marvelous fact that your boss will not bother you at all for at least two weeks and a half. (1)
  8. Do you over eat? Yes – 9; No – 2
  9. Have you recently lost a close person of yours (one year back in time)? Yes – 10; No – 1
  10. Have you recently divorced (one year back in time)? Yes – 7; No – 1
  11. Have you recently got married (one year back in time)? Yes – 7; No – 1
  12. Does it take more that 3 days to recover if you get cold? Yes – 10; No – 1
  13. How often do you get cold per year?
    • 0-2 times => 1
    • 3-5 times => 7
    • 5-10 times => 10
  14. Have you recently experienced car accident (one year back in time)? Yes – 9; No – 1
  15. Do you drive? Yes – 8; No – 1
  16. Do you have allergies? Yes – 10; No – 1
  17. Do you feel fresh when you weak up? Yes – 1; No – 8
  18. Do you feel under pressure? Yes – 6; No – 1
  19. Do you have hemorrhoids? Yes – 10; No – 1
  20. Do you plan a career change (in one year time)? Yes – 9; No – 1


21-64 Low level of stress

According to the stress quiz results you are experiencing low level of stress, which is perfectly healthy for you. Keep maintaining the same life style and you will always be wondering how depression feels like.

64-154 Medium level of stress

According to the stress quiz results you are experiencing medium level of stress. It might still be considered as healthy by some but the level of risk you take is big. I highly recommend you to read the content of this site, which might help you to bring stress levels to the safety low level category. Please click here to take you to the 3 SIMPLE STEPS MANAGING STRESS STRATEGY

154-180 High level of stress

According to the stress quiz results you are experiencing high level of stress which significantly threatens your health. I strongly recommend you to read the content of this site which might help you to bring stress levels to the safety low and medium levels category. Please click here to take you to the 3 SIMPLE STEPS MANAGING STRESS STRATEGY

Another useful stress management tool will help you to measure your emotional wellness with the Emotional Balance Sheet

Still not sure about your stress level? Learn how you can reliably measure your stress

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    The Best Stress Reliever
    Being Behind on Tasks
    The Basic Stress Cause
    I Can Not Sleep

    Interesting Books

    The Game of Life
    The Myth of Stress